
Showing posts from November, 2016

SharePoint OOTB Workflow

Recently, I had the chance to play with SharePoint lists and Document Libraries. I also had the challenge of using SharePoint without the use of Designer. In creating a List or Document Library and associating it with a Workflow, my challenge was to create a View such that I could filter it based on the Workflow status. Thanks to the wisdom of the internet crowd, I chanced upon this article here The status of each workflow is stored as a numeric value but displayed as a string description as follows: NotStarted = 0 FailedOnStart = 1 InProgress = 2 ErrorOccurred = 3 StoppedByUser = 4 Completed = 5 FailedOnStartRetrying = 6 ErrorOccurredRetrying = 7  ViewQueryOverflow = 8 Canceled = 15 (to be confirmed)  Approved = 16 Rejected = 17 (to be confirmed) To filter, compare the value against a numeric constant. For example: show only those that are in progress: = 2 show only those that are not completed: < 5 show only those approved: = 16